35 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Technology ā€“ Implications for a strategic Design ā€“ Croatian Case

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    Globalization and internationalization processes continuously increase the quantity of information. All the information is quickly and easily accessible, and the problem is no longer scarcity of information, but its surplus. Economists need to be active and creative in solving this new problem, which requires new knowledge and competences. People have to master the skill of rapid acquisition of new knowledge and forgetting the obsolete information. The increasingly dominant knowledge of economics requires a new design of knowledge structure. In economics, knowledge is not only a product, nor only a new business opportunity, but also a critical framework for developing specialized scientific information. Companies today require predominantly applicative solutions to their problems. The implementation of the Bologna process in education of economists is under way at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. The initial experience has opened up the possibility to redesign the education process into a life-long learning process for economists. The transition process should define Croatia as a small country successfully participating in the creation and exploitation of common knowledge and technology.Knowledge, Technology, Croatian case


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    The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has strongly affected tourism projections for 2020 and has temporarily halted the global tourism and travel industry. The economic impact on the global economy could have lasting consequences, with the temporary pandemic regime hitting tourism the hardest. The paper provides an overview of tourism perspectives during and after the COVID-19 crisis, with an emphasis on cultural tourism and related facilities (cultural heritage, cultural attractions). The paper also examines the possibilities of using technology in redefining cultural tourism and creating a new ā€“ immersive cultural tourism model. The purpose of this paper is to point out the changes that modern technologies, with an emphasis on some of the immersive technologies, has on the trends in cultural tourism. Methods of analysis and synthesis, survey method and descriptive method were used in the creation of the paper. The research proved a significant trend of increasing interest in the concepts of virtual tourism and immersive cultural tourism, particularly in the context of reduced travel opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The limitations of the research relate to the relatively small survey sample, lack of Generation Z respondents as digital natives, and accelerated technological changes, as well as new trends that are emerging due to technological advances. The scientific contribution is visible in the contribution to the discussion on the use of augmented reality technologies in cultural tourism and the promotion of cultural heritage. Also, the contribution is visible in setting up a conceptual model of immersive cultural tourism.Kriza uzrokovana COVID-19 pandemijom snažno je utjecala na turističke projekcije za 2020. godinu i privremeno zaustavila globalnu turističku industriju i industriju putovanja. Ekonomski utjecaj na globalno gospodarstvo mogao bi imati trajne posljedice, pri čemu će privremeni pandemijski režim najviÅ”e pogoditi turizam. Rad daje pregled perspektiva turizma tijekom i nakon krize uzrokovane koronavirusom, s naglaskom na kulturni turizam i srodne sadržaje (kulturna baÅ”tina, kulturne atrakcije). U radu se također ispituju mogućnosti koriÅ”tenja tehnologije u redefiniranju kulturnog turizma i stvaranju novog poslovnog modela ā€“ imerzivnog kulturnog turizma. Svrha rada jest ukazati na promjene koje suvremene tehnologije, s naglaskom na pojedine imerzivne tehnologije, utječu na trendove u kulturnom turizmu. U kreiranju rada koriÅ”tene su metode analize i sinteze, metoda anketiranja te deskriptivna metoda. Istraživanje je dokazalo značajan trend porasta interesa za koncepte virtualnog turizma i imerzivnog kulturnog turizma, posebice u kontekstu smanjenih mogućnosti putovanja tijekom pandemije COVID-19. Ograničenja istraživanja odnose se na relativno mali anketni uzorak, izostanak odgovora pripadnika Generacije Z kao nativnih korisnika digitalnih tehnologija, uz ubrzane tehnoloÅ”ke promjene, kao i nove trendove koji nastaju zahvaljujući tehnoloÅ”kom napretku. Znanstveni doprinos vidljiv je u doprinosu raspravi o koriÅ”tenju tehnologija proÅ”irene stvarnosti u kulturnom turizmu te promociji kulturne baÅ”tine. Također, doprinos je vidljiv i u postavljanju konceptualnog modela imerzivnog kulturnog turizma


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    Resource management of a particular area is nowadays one of the greatest challenges, especially when it comes to more sensitive areas, such as rural areas. Human resources, alongside mostly limited natural resources, represent an opportunity for rural areas, especially due to the beginning of utilization of considerable EU preaccession funds. This paper presents one part of the primary research results on the views of project implementors and end-users about the impact of the achieved results of IPA CBC Hungary-Croatia 2007-2013 on human resources of the implementing institutions and local communities of the observed, mostly rural area. The conclusion of this research, that was conducted in 2018, is that the funds invested in an observed area had a dual role. First of all, implementing organizations would not have this amount of work and number of employees, nor would they establish partnerships with organizations from another country, carry out activities or develop the skills, knowledge and capabilities of their human resources. Also, the implementation of their project has increased the number of contacts and collaborations with organizations at a local level, which is a significant resource for the future. On the other hand, the funds have enabled users, residents of local communities along the border, to acquire new skills, increase knowledge and abilities they can use for further development, to understand the importance of lifelong learning and the increase of active involvement in a local community. In conclusion, the project implementation and the investment in rural areas is an investment in the future due to the diversity of processes they can activate.Upravljanje resursima nekog prostora predstavlja jedno od najvećih izazova danaÅ”njice, poglavito u slučaju osjetljivijih područja poput ruralnih prostora. Ljudski resurs, uz prirodne resurse koji su mahom ograničeni, predstavlja mogućnost za ruralni prostor pogotovo s početkom iskoriÅ”tavanja znatnih sredstava pretpristupnih fondova EU. U radu je prikazan dio rezultata primarnog istraživanja stavova provoditelja projekata i krajnjih korisnika o utjecaju ostvarenih rezultata programa IPA CBC Mađarska-Hrvatska 2007. ā€“ 2013. na ljudski resurs institucija provoditelja i lokalnih zajednica promatranoga prostora koji je većinom ruralnoga karaktera. Zaključak istraživanja jest kako su uložena sredstva na promatranom području imala dvojaku ulogu. U slučaju organizacija provoditelja projekata, one ne bi imale ovaj obujam posla i broj zaposlenih niti bi uspostavile partnerstva s organizacijama iz druge države, provodile aktivnosti ili razvijale vjeÅ”tine, znanje i sposobnosti svojih ljudskih resursa. Također, provedba njihovog projekta povećala je broj kontakata i suradnji s organizacijama na lokalnoj razini Å”to je značajan resurs za budućnost. Nadalje, sredstva su omogućila korisnicima, stanovnicima lokalnih zajednica duž granice, stjecanje novih vjeÅ”tina, povećanje znanja i sposobnosti koje mogu koristiti za daljnji razvoj, shvaćanje važnosti cjeloživotnog učenja i povećanje uključenosti u lokalnu zajednicu. Zaključno, provedba projekata i ulaganje u ruralna područja predstavljaju investiciju u budućnost zbog raznolikosti procesa koje mogu aktivirati


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    The key objective of the scientific research paper is to identify the key factors of knowledge management that have a direct impact on the economic growth of the national economy within the framework of the European Union. Analyzing named variables through the implementation of primary research in the insurance sector (insurance companies) to create a model of competitiveness in terms of the knowledge economy based on the above research and proven hypotheses in research conducted. Through the analysis of the results is necessary to determine the most important groups of variables that affect the economic growth and competitive advantage. Setting the research is based on three key variables: education, knowledge and human resources. By analyzing the results of research will be determined statistically significant association between elements of the aforementioned variables, and will analyze the mutual influence of key variables on the competitive advantage of the observed insurance companies.Keywords: management, education, knowledge, insurance, CroatiaĀ </p


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    The main purpose of the paper is to move towards quantification and clear distinction of invested IPA funds in the CBC area of Hungary and Croatia 2007. - 2013. Objective of the paper is to provide an insight into the real impact of allocated financial resources to the extent that was not examined so far at the level of institutions (lead beneficiary and project partners) and target group members. The main research questions is what is the impact that implemented projects in IPA CBC HU ā€“ CRO had in terms of different types of institutions, types of activities (educational or infrastructure), beneficiaries in local communities and regional development? The research was conducted in April/May 2018. The questionnaire consisted of 41 variables. Interview was the corrective method. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS v23. Total of 102 respondents participated, representing 358 institutions that implemented projects in the cross-border area. Data were first analysed using descriptive statistics, then compared by using t-test and ANOVA Chi-square test was performed to determine the likelihood of correlation between variables. Paper shows obtained results on personal, organisational and regional level. The outcome confirms the difference between human capital in institutions that implement projects and high dependence of EU funds in entire region. Beneficiaries are more aware of impact that lifelong learning activities can have on their labour market competitiveness. Investment in sustainable environment, tourism, development of economic cooperation, infrastructure and common human capacities will have a significant impact in the region.Glavna svrha ovog rada jest kvantificiranje i jasno razlikovanje postignuća uloženih IPA sredstava na području prekogranične suradnje Mađarske i Hrvatske 2007. - 2013. Cilj rada je pružiti uvid u stvarni utjecaj dodijeljenih financijskih sredstava u mjeri koja dosad nije ispitivana na razini institucija (vodeći korisnik i projektni partneri) i članova ciljne skupine. Glavno istraživačko pitanje jest kakav utjecaj su imali implementirani projekti u IPA CBC HU - CRO u pogledu različitih institucija, vrsta aktivnosti, korisnika u lokalnim zajednicama i regionalnog razvoja? Istraživanje je provedeno u travnju/svibnju 2018. godine. Upitnik se sastojao od 41 varijable. Intervju je bio korektivna metoda. Analiza podataka provedena je pomoću SPSS v23. Ukupno su sudjelovala 102 ispitanika, predstavnika 358 institucija koje su provodile projekte u prekograničnom području. Podaci su prvo analizirani koriÅ”tenjem deskriptivne statistike, zatim uspoređeni pomoću t-testa i provedenog ANOVA Chi-kvadrat kako bi se utvrdila vjerojatnost korelacije između varijabli. Rad prikazuje rezultate na osobnoj, organizacijskoj i regionalnoj razini. Potvrđena je razlika ljudskog kapitala u različitim institucijama koje provode projekte i visoka ovisnosti EU fondova u cijeloj regiji. Krajnji korisnici su svjesniji utjecaja koji aktivnosti cjeloživotnog učenja mogu imati na njihovu konkurentnost na tržiÅ”tu rada. Ulaganje u održivo okruženje, turizam, razvoj gospodarske suradnje, infrastrukturu i zajedničke ljudske kapacitete imat će značajan utjecaj na regiju